Thursday 16 September 2010

Childhood Memories

My brother sent me this photo of him with two of his Clydesdales yoked to a flat wagon and it made me quite nostalgic. We never had this type of cart on the farm. The first ones I remember were really quite small compared to the massive metal trailers seen nowadays. They were fairly high with big iron rimmed wheels and wooden spokes and creaked, crunched and lurched over the stones. Then we progressed to rubber wheeled ones which seemed like pure luxury. There was nothing to compare with being in charge of one of the horses driving out to the field to collect some load or other when you were 9 or 10 years old. Little did we know then that the horses we were given could probably do the journey themselves.
Ross is certainly re-living his younger days as he drives around the farm with this well matched pair, Stanley and Amy and I think he has a notion to start a small museum of old horse implements. The drawback is that such a venture is almost strangled by "Health and Safety" requirements if open to the public, but he already has a sundry collection. ..maybe some day!
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1 comment:

Gail said...

Maybe he can find a loop hole in the law.

Beautiful team and wonderful idea.