Monday 9 August 2010

A slight distraction!

Blogging has had to take a back seat for the past week as I had visitors from the south (of England). My daughter was up with her 3 children for their annual visit...most people, nowadays, go abroad to warmer climes but she always comes "home" to a drop in temperature, this year reckoning it to be about 10 degrees!
The children speak with an English accent but mum still has her Scots tongue.
It was a bit bedlam-like in the house at times, with 2 bitches in season and dogs having to be kept separate and the accompanying howling but somehow the children managed to sleep and we all managed to stay relatively sane.
I think the children enjoyed the freedom of being able to play outside the house in our little cul de sac without too much supervision, which they cannot do at home.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Love the "wrong foot" shoes, Anne. What a happy little face though!