Saturday, 27 June 2009

Blackpool Championship Dog Show 2009

There was a full coach of toydog competitors when we left the Forth Road Bridge car park at 1am for the shortish journey (in championship dog show miles!) to Blackpool. We arrived at the venue at 7.30 after a couple of stops.

There was a stiff wind blowing and it brought back memories of the gale wrecked show of 2008 but it turned out not to be of such strength as to be anything more than a bit of a nuisance and was even welcome in the ensuing heat of the afternoon.

We had a more successful day with the 2 bitch litter sisters, Swallow, who came 2nd in Limit Bitch and Carole's Emma, who came 3rd in Post Graduate Bitch. Mo was again unplaced.

The following photographs are a random selection again, with some winners included.

1 comment:

Ria said...

Well Done!