Monday, 19 October 2009

The Prodigal Son.

This is Charlie, one of Holly's pups born in June and so now 4 months old. He blotted his copybook with his new owners, whose neighbours complained about his barking. They brought him back to me but when I saw him I thought I would keep him. He is certainly a lively little chap who likes to play and annoy the older dogs but we have been quite firm about the barking and it has certainly not been excessive. Swallow would have nothing to do with him...until tonight when I caught the pair of them playing under the kitchen table..... there has been a breakthrough!
I'm hoping to start his ring training on Wednesday night.
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1 comment:

Marian said...

Reminds me a bit of Midge when I first got him from you though Charlie looks a bit fluffier. Very appealing. I've got Max staying at the moment and I can't leave him out in the garden unattended or he'll bark at every passing cat or person