Thursday, 13 August 2009

Skywatch scenes near Edinburgh.

I was approaching Edinburgh from the south and stopped in the layby to take these views in 3 different directions.
Arthur's Seat, the hill in Holyrood Park, near the Scottish Parliament building , is left of centre.

One of the heavy showers that day is nearing the Pentland Hills to the west.

..and this is looking east across the barley fields. Harvest has just begun in this part of the world. Will this barley be good enough to go for malting for whisky at the distillery or will it be destined for cattle feed?
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Tara R. said...

These are wonderful. I like how different each cloud shot looks.

Gail said...

Beautiful skies!

Sally in WA said...

I love the golden color of the fields. Theyse are all wonderful shots.

Jacqui said...

Wow - is this really East Central Scotland? Thanks for dropping by - we only found out about jupiter last week and it's on our doorstep! They want to limit visitors, but it is very easy to get to - do check it out.