Wednesday, 31 December 2008


The new camera had come yesterday but since no one was at home it was taken back to the delivery office and we had to collect it today, so much of my time since then has been spent trying to familiarise myself with the dials, knobs and buttons ...................... and, oh, I also read the instruction book! Lucky for me there is an "idiot's" button where you just point and shoot...guess that's what I'll be using...............for a time anyway!
Also, I had been given a digital photo frame for Christmas and bought a thing called a USB thumb connector to plug in to my p.c. to download photographs I had stored. I pushed it into a USB port but the machine would not recognise this device at all. This was really annoying me, not knowing how to work this thing. It was only much later it dawned on me that I might have it inserted upside down.........true! When turned over and re-inserted it worked a dream and in a very short time the photos were stored. All I had to do then was plug it in to the frame and the slide show began.
However, I don't think I'll be applying for a job in PC World!
I'm off now to look out the shortbread and blackbun. The glasses and the whisky are already out.

Happy New Year, everyone!

1 comment:

jakay said...

By "the glasses" I presume you mean the horn rimmed spectacles formed from milk bottoms, which you obviously forgot to put on when inserting the the usb thingy!