Tuesday 5 October 2010

A stark reminder.

This morning a blunt reminder of my forthcoming birthday popped through the letter-box. It was from DVLA and more or less said, "Very shortly you will be 70 years old and as of the midnight before the day your current driving licence will be cancelled"..unless I reapply for one soon. I'm beginning to panic, I've had a driving licence since I was 17 and it had given me independence. No more asking for lifts or having to rely on the very infrequent country bus service.
There is a section on the form that asks some very searching questions about my health....OMG!.... luckily nothing about my hearing (what was that you just said?) nor my dodgy knees. No, I haven't had any fits or blackouts (that I can remember!), no brain surgery nor implanted cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator, no SERIOUS problems with memory or periods of confusion (I'm not the person to ask...but would I remember if I had?) and certainly no sleep apnoea syndrome...sometimes I wish I had! On a brighter note, I do not need to supply another mug shot, so maybe they think I haven't aged since the last one AND there is no mention of sending any payment for the new licence but I'll check for any tiny print at the bottom of the page. This has to be a first for any Government form


b.b said...

Hi Ann
Welcome to our club as you'll
know by now you don't pay anything
but fill it in carefully. Hey, I can't picture you using your bus
pass struggling with dogs & all the gear going to a show + in 5 years time you can enjoy free tv. Aye us
old timers have it easy so they keep telling us Enjoy

jakay said...

Are you sure about the sanity bit that must be in the form somewhere, I seem to remember you trying to parachute off a henhouse many years ago (unsuccessfully, by the way)

Anonymous said...

pity your bus pass won't work all the way down to here......J